Kentucky's Onetree Manor House

Onetree Manor

This website is the personal web site of Wood family, living in Kentucky. Click the links below to jump to different sections of this page.

The FamilyThe Animals

The Family

Living in the manor house is the Wood family, Ken, Mindy, Nathan, and Samantha.
Click the person's picture, or the link below, to read a brief information page about them.
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The Animals

No Manor would be complete is there wasn't a menagerie of animals living there.
It's also required that the number of animals out-numbers the number of humans.
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The Sweetie The Snot
Annie, the great American mutt. Moses, the miniture schnauzer
Resting after a hard day's work! Swimming happily in their own little world
Sasha, Goliath, and Sampson getting along. 14 fish in a 30 gallon community tank.

Feel free to drop Ken a line.

Click here to visit my father's wegpage.